
All the latest Orasol Info Technologies information and events, including press releases, analyst reports, and news items.


Dear visitor, As you know that our world and country is fighting  with the deadly virus please take our of your loved ones by following and practicing all  precautionary measures and do prayer  to god and keep faith in scientist and their work but do refrain from forwarding any misinformation



All the latest Orasol Info Technologies information and events, including press releases, analyst reports, and news items. Orasol Info Technologies (OIT), a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization and Gfi Informatique, a major vendor of value-added IT services and software.

Our Services Application

Orasol Info Technologies (OIT), a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization and Gfi Informatique, a major vendor of value-added IT services and software.


Orasol Info Technologies (OIT), today announced that it has been recognized as one of the Best and Brightest Companies To Work For® and one of the Best and Brightest in Wellness™ in the Nation by the National Association for Business Resources.

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Business 3

Business Process Services

A business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks by people or equipment in which a specific sequence produces a service or product (serves a particular business goal) for a particular customer or customers.

Orasol info Technologies

All the latest Orasol Info Technologies information and events, including press releases, analyst reports, and news items.

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